Surrender To The Enemy.


So anyone who has read my blog before will know that it’s a medium for me to explain the music that I write and give some insight into my choices for the artistic direction I use.

At least that’s what it was initially intended to be.

My last album explored my acceptance of my struggles with mental health and my journey through exploring my own demons musically. Cheery I know.

My music has on more than one occasion been described as ‘music to kill yourself to’. Well i’m sorry to say that I started to take that claim a little too seriously.

After finishing my last work, I was proud of it. I listened to it and felt like I could close a chapter in my life and move on from some of the things that had haunted me for a long time. Unfortunately exploring these issues had left me rather depressed and finishing the work left me without any sense of purpose. I guess I had lost sight of what was important, and lost sight of what I had to live for.

So I started writing again. Trying to articulate and create something out of what I was feeling whilst in state of limbo. I’ve sat on these songs for a couple of months and waited to see if anything else would come out, but to no avail. So I’ve decided to release it as it stands.

I present to you, ‘Surrender To The Enemy’:

It’s a statement about giving up, losing purpose and ultimately feeling like you have nothing to live for. I don’t intend to say anything else about the songs on an individual basis, the project comes as a package and is open to interpretation. As with all my music I recommend you download it for free and ask that you share it if you enjoy it.

I’ve decided to go away for a while. In all honesty, I don’t know when I will be coming back. Life had become a bit meaning less for me and I realized that I needed to make some big changes. I’m happy to say that I’ve started to put those changes into place.

I already have plans for my project; and you’ll be glad to hear. It’s something positive.

Watch this space.

From Your Influence…


About fromyourinfluence

'From Your Influence...' is a product of Manchester based musician Nate Rose. Nate was born in Nuneaton, England, and grew up in the suburb of Leicester, Hinckley. Rather than directly attach his name to the music he writes Nate chooses to pay testimony to all that inspires him; be that the people that surround him, his experiences or opinions. Picking up a guitar at the age of 21, Nate started experimenting with songwriting soon after, drawing influence from an eclectic musical taste and his love for progressive songwriting. 'From Your Influence...' songs are written, performed, recorded, produced and mastered by Nate, and he strives to deliver his music to listeners without a set price tag; believing that the audience should have the choice to pay what/if they wish. The music itself, although acoustic at its essence, is not specific to one genre of music and is a product of Nate's diverse appreciation for all musical form. The latest collection of songs entitled 'The Taste of Iron' is heavily influenced by his love of electronic and progressive music. With irregular song structure and a heavy use of synthesized instruments 'From Your Influence...' has taken a different path with this album.
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